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Ritchie’s Newsletter

Look At You

The interpretation and feelings we experience by looking at other people can be so different than actual reality.

Do we try to create something that we’d like to be here, or imagine to be present?
We each live in our own individual worlds – no one else truly knows what each of us thinks or feels.
We look at each other and think all kinds of different thoughts.
Often the place we’re in – the environment – creates a false atmosphere that distorts the truth; quite often it’s an artificial world.
A bar scene is where most people act unnaturally – many without fully realising it; yet bars and cafes are common places for social interaction.
It’s so natural to be with people we feel attracted to –
but our lives have built in acceptable social behaviour –
the rules sometimes confuse us,

Still – it feels good to know the wonder and warmth of beauty when we sense it.

Best Wishes – Ritchie